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Pink Sugar
ക്രിസ്തു നിങ്ങളിൽ ഉണ്ട്

Christ is in you
Pink Sugar

 The name 'Peniel' as per the Bible is remembered as the site where Jacob wrestled with God and received a blessing, symbolising a pivotal moment of reconciliation and spiritual awakening. As such, Peniel represents a space of communion, prayer, and spiritual growth, where believers seek to draw closer to God and experience His grace, guidance, and transformative power in their lives.

Pink Sugar

Our pastor Sujan delivers inspiring sermons and teachings that are rooted in the timeless truths of the Bible. Whether in English or Malayalam, the message is communicated with clarity and relevance, encouraging spiritual growth and personal reflection.

Pink Sugar

Our Community

Prayer and Fellowship

Experience the power of prayer as we come together to seek God's face and intercede for one another. Our fellowship extends beyond language barriers as we build authentic relationships and support one another in our faith journey.

Pink Sugar

Sunday Service

 9:45-11:30 am

1 Raleigh street, Liberton, Dunedin

Interested in joining our prayer services? Get in touch to find out more.

Pink Sugar

Contact Us

1 Raleigh street, liberton, Dunedin 9010


Peniel IPC Dunedin 

Pastor Sujan: +64272819877, Brother Prasath:+64211041299, Brother Reji: +64221940985

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